Welcome to the Current Rewards Program!
This rewards program officially starts January 1, 2024.
We created this program to celebrate your movement milestones throughout the year.
Our movement classes (both fitness and yoga) are specifically designed to foster empowerment, strength (both mental and physical), and joyful movement. When movement feels good to us, it is more sustainable for both our mental health as well as our physical health.
This is an alternative to mainstream fitness culture that tells us to push through pain and fosters guilt and shame when we don’t exercise.
As you redefine movement in a way that feels good to you, this program is here to celebrate you!
The rewards program milestones:
You will receive 1 point for each class you take. Here is our class schedule!
Once you get 25 points, you’ll receive your first prize.
At 50 points, you’ll receive a second exciting prize - wearable swag!
And finally, at 100 points, you’ll receive the biggest prize!